Tuesday, August 27, 2019


The mamma is feeling better, so I feel better.  She has had lots of sad stuff happen in August and it gets tomnher sometimes.  She assured me it is nothing I have done.  That wss good to hear.  And you know, when the mamma feels better, I feel better!

It's very quiet around here and that is just fine!  MTYL!

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Bad sads

I have been a handful lately.  Why?  Because I have been trying to distract the mama from bad sads.  I mean, her eyes almost never leak, but I thought they were going to several times yesterday.

Human Augusts are very hard for her cuz she has had some   bad things happen in Augusts.  Including losing both Quartermaster Scruffy and the Princess.  Ringo tries to explain how devastated everyone was when the Princess, in particular, left the way she did.  The mama's life changed alot in the 5 years since then and some have not been happy changes.

But I have learned the mama will feel better shortly after the worst day....yesterday....and everything will go back to normal.

Sunday, August 4, 2019


Sometimes the mamma has no respect!  I wonder what she would do if I showed pictures of her bathing on the innerwebs!

Friday, August 2, 2019

Excites for the mamma!

The mamma likes to take pictures, but can't get out very often to take them anymore.  She likes to play with them and make them look like paintings or drawings.

A non profit that provides education on one of the places she used to go just shared her picture of a bird on their instagram account.  This means statwide,, maybe national exposure for her.