Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The mamma is who?!?

I must admit that I did not realize who the mamma was right away.  I mean, what were the odds that I would be adopted by Princess Treasure's prime minister.  But it is true.  She and Ringo tell me stories of their adventures and I peruse the archives.

When I first realized this, I wondered if the mamma would miss affairs of state, but she doesn't seem to.  Instead, she fills her days with quiet pursuits and appears satisfied.  That is good, cuz I was looking for the same thing.  Isn't it good we found each other when we did?

1 comment:

  1. It is. And Princess Treasure had her own realm, and her castle, her Courtiers and her own Kingdom. You would need to explore your own if ever you decided to do that. I am delighted that Ringo stayed! I haven't heard from him so I wondered what had become of him after Princess Treasure flew away.
