Friday, June 14, 2019

Yes, Miss Katie

I briefly saw your comment, Katie Isabella, before the mamma disappeared it.  She says it was an accident.  Oh well, at least I did see it.  But, yes, I have been thinking about what you said.  I have also let the mamma's visitors get glimpses of me and nothing awful has happened yet, so I thought I would see what happened.  I got ignored, just what I wanted.


  1. Deedle, ask your mom if she could comment with the blog's title and your picture..then folks would know you were here. XXXOOO

  2. Hi Deedle and mom. You are surely one lovely gray lady.
    I too and retired. My sweet Angel Madi and I blogged together for 9 years. She passed 9/13/19 at 16 1/2. I'm still blogging.
    Hugs Cecilia

  3. Hiya Deedle, Katie sent me over to meet you. I am looking forward to becoming good furfriends
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  4. We came from Katie’s to drop off a howdy.
