Saturday, July 6, 2019

I have what?

The mamma told me I have Grink ears and toebeans.  I never heard that before, so I asked her what she meant.  She said the insides of my ears and my toebeans are a combination of gray + pink = grink.     Hmmm.  I asked how she could just make up a new color and she said humans do that sometimes and told me about greige and mauve.   I don't know, humans are pretty strange sometimes!


  1. Humans do seem to make up names for many things, sometimes for fun and others because they just have to categorise things, MOL. If it's nice we just enjoy it, and hope others will too.

  2. Well grink is a new one on us but yeah Mom did our entryway greige and her Master Bath used to be mauve, now it's blue. And our den is now a Dusty Lilac

  3. We came over from Katie Isabella's blog to meet you. We do not have a blog but we read a lot of them.
    Our gray brofur Alexander has toes like yours too ! Purrs.
